Thursday, September 30, 2010


Lord Jesus
You are the center of my longing-
The brim-full, spill-over life that is You.
I want to feel what You felt
When You stepped out on the other side
of that dark night.
I want the joy of the Resurrection.

First the dark night?
But that is death, Lord,
And I want to live.
I want to live-for You.
How can I die
When there is so much me
In me?

You'll have to do it, Lord.
It's Your turn to crucify me.
Destroy my cherished keepsakes,
Strip away my person ambition,
Cancel my high-soaring dreams
Till I am naked
And empty
And dead.

O God, how it hurts
To tear all the me
Out of me
And watch it die!

Yet life is born of death,
And there's a glow in the east.
Night slips away into bright morning,
And I am alive!
Thank You, Lord.
Thank You for the dazzling sunburst
Of our resurrection!