Monday, April 26, 2010


"For here have we no continuing city, but we seek one to come" (Hebrews 13:14).

We are homeward bound. This world is not my home - I'm just passing through. Beyond these mountains of difficulties lies home! Ah, sweet home! Fainting ears are revived when our thinking stirs us heavenward. Tired muscles find new strength to trudge on for God. Do not become discouraged, child of God. Mountains of difficulties, strifes, wars will continue to hound us till the Lord calls us home. When your heart fails you, God sends His sunshine and the rain. You will sprout again, believe it! The hard things give us energy to go on. The exceeding riches of His grace squeeze us through the tunnels and keep our eyes on the goal - Heaven!

Tighten your loins with the promises of God. The difficult mountains are His stepping stones of joy. We are to keep the strong staff of faith well in hand and trust God in the dark. We are actually safer with Him in the dark than without Him in the sunshine. We must stay focused - at the end of the gloomy passage beams the heavenly light! The Lord tells us that, "I will make all my mountains a way" (Isaiah 49:11). There is no need to fear or be discouraged. When we reach heaven, we may discover that the richest and most profitable experiences that we had in this world were those gained in the very roads from which we shrank back in dread. So keep your chin up and move forward. Look at Job as an example for us to maintain a steadfastness that cannot shake our faith. It was because Job was on God's main line that he found so many tunnels and ways to get through the barriers of his life. The great thing to remember is that God's dark times are not His goals for us. His tunnels must be traveled to get somewhere else. Therefore, be patient, my soul! The darkness is not your journey's end. The tunnel is not your abiding home! Implicitly rely on the methods of His guidance. He takes us step by step over the rough terrain. God never gves guidance for two steps at a time. We must take one step, and then we receive light for the next.

Keep your goal in view - accept the struggle - the end result will be worth it all! Don't become frightened and run and hide in a cave. Look for His inspiration, vision, and power! When we are living on earth's low levels we fail to catch the inspiring visions of God which are the true support of the prophetic life. We must come into the sunshine and make the ascent of the mountain if we would discern those evidences of God's power which are always available for the recreation of faith and courage.

When you keep your eye on the goal, each day will seem beautiful even though suffering and sorrow may cross your path. God is getting you ready for Heaven. Regardless of the hail storms of life - don't break! Cling for your life to the one truth that God has not forgotten you! He holds the winds in His fists, and the waves that now seem as though they would swallow you up, in the hollow of His hands. Hold on! Do not break, even though you keep bending with the pressure, leave it all quietly with Him: failures, fears, foes, and your future! You can face the forces of darkness today fearlessly! Maintain your perspective and ride on, oh child of God.

The road is dusty; the journey is long. Look up! Look up in the early morning when the sun comes peeping over the horizon, out of the shadows of the night. Look up in the noontide when the resting-spot is still afar in the distance. Look up when you see the even-star. Look up! There shines the City!

Watch out for the devil - He loves to fish in troubled waters. Beware of every hesitation to abandon to God. Do not let the subleties of the Evil One defeat your growth and desire to move forward with the Lord. Step on to the ladder of safety that leads into Heaven. Draw nigh unto God - the devil will flee. God is seated on His throne for the very purpose of giving help in time of need. Go unto Him at midnight. He loves the hour of extremity. The budding morrow in midnight is the dawn of hope.

We are a stranger and a pilgrim here on this earth below as was our fathers before us. This life is but a pilgrimage; the earth is not our rest. Every day brings us nearer our home in the City of God, and the Lord is willing to be our companion in every step of the desert march!

It is a hard climb up a hill when you have a burdened heart and begin to feel weary in well doing. You long to go home, to reach Heaven's shores. You feel tired and done. God never permits any of His children to come up a steep hill along life's pathway without having provided at the foot of the hill a cooling spring from which the traveler may drink in refreshment and strength. He climbs beside you; lean upon Him! God has no road without its springs! His message from the homing pigeon as you sit and drink is ...
"Perhaps today! It won't be long! Occupy till I come!"
