Thursday, May 6, 2010

Nevertheless, The Lord Stood With Me!

"But the Lord stood with me and strengthened me..." (2 Timothy 4:17)

We all experience loneliness from time to time. Paul was always aware of God's presence even in his moments of loneliness. He knew the Lord was standing with him and because of that he was strengthened. He realized God had never let him down regardless of the circumstances he found himself in. He remembered all those times in the past and that gave him strength - even in a lonely damp prison cell. By this time in his life and ministry he was conditioned - he had gone through feelings just like we do. The Lord strengthened Paul. Paul was infused with strength. He knew no one could take his life without God's permission. He had God's strength coursing through his spirit.

Many people, when they find themselves overcome by loneliness, simply cry and moan 'Poor one ever had it so hard.' That is not a solution to the problem, it merely intensifies it. When we are lonely, we need to remember Paul's experiences. We need to come to terms with it. It is the perfect time to say, "Lord, I've exhausted all my alternatives; now it's just You and me. Have your will and way in my life, and I'll honor you." Loneliness can cripple you if you let it. But if we choose instead to deal with it, we can learn some valuable lessons along the way.

With his mentor in prison and his church in turmoil, Timothy was probably not feeling very brave. God always gives us the strength to do what he has commanded. This strength may not be evident, however, until we step out in faith and actually begin doing the task. Paul was aware of His strengthening in his hour of trial, and wanted to fulfill God's purpose for his life. What an incredible encouragement that is - to know we are part of God's providential plan.

In Paul's aloneness, he treasured his friends. After mentioning those who did not stand with him, he wrote that Luke was with him. Have you ever had friends disappoint you and not be available when you needed their encouragement the most? Paul always wanted Mark to come. We need to be there for others if possible. We must remember that in our hour of great loneliness, the Word of God is of great comfort.

When you are in real adversity you will find out who your real friends are. There are many who want to hang around when you are prospering. When Paul was travelling, his friends wanted to be with him, but now that Paul is condemmed, they all began to desert him. Paul said, "None stood with me, but they all forsook me." This is a sad fact of life - it happens all the time. If you have ever been deserted in your time of great need, then you know exactly how Paul was feeling at the time of writing Timothy. He stood alone as he faced the wicked oppressor Nero. Stop and remember how Jesus also stood alone when He faced the Roman court. Someone once said, "You must be alone to discover that you are never alone."

Feeling isolated and alone is a feeling that seeps into the bones. Sometimes we experience this for a short time; others for a life time. Cheer up child of God - in the hour of trial or discouragement, the Lord is always there to stand with you. The Lord has taught Paul how to suffer for the cause of Christ. Over and over during Paul's life in the scriptures we see the Lord standing beside him and taking him through every single lonely, difficult situation he faced. The Lord never failed him, and the Lord will never fail you!

The Lord always stand by his servants. You may feel, even today, that you have been deserted and are standing alone as you face whatever overwhelming trial you are needing to deal with, but remember God's promise, "Lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." He also said, "I will never leave thee or forsake thee."

We can take comfort from the biblical characters, and specifically from the apostle Paul, that God's presence is with us; He is strengthening us (whether or not we feel that He is); and we are being used in a greater way that we imagine fulfilling His plan in our lives. Dr. James Dobson once said, "Most loneliness results from insulation rather than isolation."

How badly do you not want to be lonely? Some people enjoy that state as then they can slide into self-pity and sadly, many people seem to choose this way of being. Instead turn to the Word of God and read a promise like we find in Matthew 11:28-30, which says,
"Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart; and You shall find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy, and My load if light."
My Mom wrote a poem to me about a month before she died to cheer me up. She called and read it to me on the phone, and then sent it by mail. It has always spoken to my heart during times of loneliness. It is called Tears or Smiles and I want to share it with you, as you maybe this day need to be cheered up, too.

Tears or Smiles-by Elva Vogt - August 1993
Sometimes we think that no one cares,
That no one hears out tear-stained prayers,
That only our pillows share our grief,
Life has stolen our joy like a common thief,
And why? 'Cause we dwell on ourselves alone.
A neighbor's woes we cannot condone.
Self-centered, wretched, egotistical sinner,
In a self-pity role there is no winner.

Rise up, shed sorrow, look up and live,
Give your all to Him, your foes forgive,
Put a smile on your lips - lighten your heart,
Although not easy, you can make a start.
A change-about will transpire, not long to wait.
Loving will come easy, no time left to hate.
When the reins are controlled, hope shines on your face,
Tears in your eyes, laughter soon will replace.